Release Notes

Release 1.0.0-beta.6 #

Yavin has been upgraded to Elide 5.0.2 which includes the following updates and additions:

Elide 5.0.2 Changelog

Updates & Additions #

Bug Fixes #

Upgrade Steps #

You can upgrade your Yavin app version to 1.0.0-beta.6 with the following commands:

  cd app
  git pull origin
  ./gradlew clean

Release 1.0.0-beta.5 #

New Features #

Yavin App Published Builds #

Add custom hjson to docker container for exploring additional data sources:

  docker run -v <your path>:/etc/yavin -p 9999:8080 verizonmedia/yavin:latest

Launch demo app using latest yavin-app jar:

  curl | bash

Report Builder Sidebar #

  • yavin-dev/framework#1385 The Report Builder view now has a collapsible sidebar for selecting datasources, tables, and metrics/dimensions.

Performance Changes #

Updates & Additions #

Upgrade Steps #

You can upgrade your Yavin app version to 1.0.0-beta.5 with the following commands:

  cd app
  git pull origin
  ./gradlew clean

Release 1.0.0-beta.4 #

New Features #

Data Export : Ability to export the data to CSV #

Updates & Additions #

  • yavin-dev/framework#1366 Added dropdown functionality to click on parameter chips and be able to change filter parameters in the filter builder.

  • yavin-dev/app#22 With the new independent demo jar published in maven central you now have the ability to disable demo using jar dependency.

Comment out this line in build.gradle.kts to disable the demo data

// implementation("dev.yavin","demo-config","0.9")

Upgrade Steps #

You can upgrade your Yavin app version to 1.0.0-beta.4 with the following commands:

  cd app
  git pull origin
  ./gradlew clean

Release 1.0.0-beta.3 #

Updates & Additions #

Bug Fixes #

  • yavin-dev/framework#1354 Fix dimension select text wrapping. The dimension select assumed the height of each entry was the same which caused issues with wrapping long text.

Upgrade Steps #

You can upgrade your Yavin app version to 1.0.0-beta.3 with the following commands:

  cd app
  git pull origin
  ./gradlew clean

Release 1.0.0-beta.2 #

Updates & Additions #

  • yavin-dev/framework#1333 Use Ember concurrency for data interfaces/adapters. (Enables cancelling typeahead queries)

    This introduced a bug in the dimension selector where it expects the elide pageSize in your application.yaml to be larger that the size of <= SMALL cardinality dimensions.

      pageSize: 1234

    If this is not set, some dimensions may appear to be missing from the dropdown.

  • yavin-dev/framework#1334 Add week, isoweek, month grains for elide.
  • yavin-dev/framework#1335 Refactor column-selector.

Upgrade Steps #

You can upgrade your Yavin app version to 1.0.0-beta.2 with the following commands:

  cd app
  git pull origin
  ./gradlew clean

Release 1.0.0-beta.1 #

New Features #

Column Config Reordering & Sorting #

  • yavin-dev/framework#1280 Support for reordering and sorting columns directly in the column config. You no longer need to run a request to apply sorts and can reorder columns outside of the table visualization.

Denali Theme Support #

You can try out the theme below by updating

  • ui/app/styles/app.scss to import 'yavin-dark-theme instead of yavin-light-theme
  • ui/app/index.html to have <body class="denali-dark-theme">

Performance Changes #

yahoo/elide#1876 N+1 performance improvements in the JPA data store. The JPA store will now return proxied collections (allowing the ORM to batch fetch the collection) and filter, sort, and paginate in memory whenever fetching a collection (N>1) of collections. There is a feature flag to enable/disable this behavior.

API Changes #

  • yahoo/elide#1897 The Aggregation Store now supports filters on metrics that have not been requested/projected in the client request. (Note: This is not yet available in the Yavin UI)

For a complete list of API changes, check out the latest Elide Changelog

Updates & Additions #

Bug Fixes #

Upgrade Steps #

You can upgrade your Yavin app version to 1.0.0-beta.1 with the following commands:

  cd app
  rm -rf ui/node_modules
  git pull origin